مهرک رحیمی | سیویلیکا

دکتر مهرک رحیمی



سمتهای علمی و اجرایی مهرک رحیمی در مجلات و ژورنال‌های معتبر ایران

  • فصلنامه فناوری آموزش (سردبیر)

سمتهای علمی و اجرایی مهرک رحیمی در کنفرانس ها و نشستهای معتبر ایران

  • دانشگاه تربیت دبیر شهید رجایی (عضو هیات علمی)

مقالات بین المللی مهرک رحیمی

"Integrating STEAM activities into teaching reading: Examination of comprehension and cognitive load", Anadolu Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi, (2024), Vol 14, No 1: 218-239
"Integrating STEAM activities into teaching reading: Examination of comprehension and cognitive load", Anadolu Universitesi Egitim Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi, (2024), Vol 14, No 1: 218-239
"Effects of Homework Policy on EFL Literacy Development in Emergency Remote Learning: A Focus on Academic Self-Regulation", SAGE Publications, (2024), Vol 14, No 1:
"Teachers’ post-pandemic outlook on the role of Technological and Pedagogical Content Knowledge in coping with burnout under adverse conditions: How a job demand transformed into a job resource", Frontiers Media SA, (2023), Vol 14, No :
"The mediating role of academic self-regulation in the relationship between autocorrect use and vocabulary size", Bastas Publications, (2023), Vol 15, No 2: ep411
"Integrating Digital Storytelling into STEAM Teaching: Examining Young Language Learners’ Development of Self-regulation and English Literacy", ISTES Organization, (2023), Vol 6, No 4: 720-735
"Effects of a Multimedia-Enhanced GE Course on Undergraduate Computer Engineering Students’ Development of Reading Skills and Growth Mindset", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), (2023), Vol 66, No 4: 300-310
"Applying Multimedia Learning Principles in Task Design: Examination of Comprehension Development in L2 Listening Instruction", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2022), Vol 48, No 1: 73-96
"Flipping an on-campus general English course: a focus on technology complexity of instruction and learners’ levels of impulsivity", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2021), Vol 18, No 1:
"EFL Teachers’ Conceptions of Professional Development during the Practicum: Retrospective Perceptions and Prospective Insights", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2020), Vol 5, No 1:
"Effects of Multimedia Learning Combined With Strategy-Based Instruction on Vocabulary Learning and Strategy Use", SAGE Publications, (2019), Vol 9, No 2: 215824401984408
"Effects of Multimedia Learning Combined With Strategy-Based Instruction on Vocabulary Learning and Strategy Use", SAGE Publications, (2019), Vol 9, No 2: 215824401984408
"The cognitive load of listening activities of a cognitive-based listening instruction", Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), (2019), Vol 9, No 2:
"The role of teaching experience in language teachers’ perceptions of a top‐down curriculum change", Wiley, (2017), Vol 28, No 4: 479-503
"Effects of offline vs. online digital storytelling on the development of EFL learners’ literacy skills", Informa UK Limited, (2017), Vol 4, No 1: 1285531
"Effects of offline vs. online digital storytelling on the development of EFL learners’ literacy skills", Informa UK Limited, (2017), Vol 4, No 1: 1285531
"The role of teaching experience in language teachers’ perceptions of a top‐down curriculum change", Wiley, (2017), Vol 28, No 4: 479-503
"The impact of teaching Lingua Franca Core on English as a foreign language learners’ intelligibility and attitudes towards English pronunciation", Informa UK Limited, (2016), Vol 18, No 2: 141-156
"The impact of teaching Lingua Franca Core on English as a foreign language learners’ intelligibility and attitudes towards English pronunciation", Informa UK Limited, (2016), Vol 18, No 2: 141-156
"Handbook of Research on Individual Differences in Computer-Assisted Language Learning", IGI Global, (2015), Vol , No :
"Handbook of Research on Individual Differences in Computer-Assisted Language Learning", IGI Global, (2015), Vol , No :
"The Role of Metacognitive Awareness of Listening Strategies in Listening Proficiency: The Case of Language Learners with Different Levels of Academic Self-regulation", Springer International Publishing, (2014), Vol , No : 169-192
"Technology Use and Acceptance among Pre-Service Teachers of English as a Foreign Language", IGI Global, (2014), Vol , No : 87-107
"Technology Use and Acceptance among Pre-Service Teachers of English as a Foreign Language", IGI Global, (2014), Vol , No : 87-107
"Podcasting and Language Learning", IGI Global, (2014), Vol , No : 4756-4764
"The relationship between EFL Teachers’ Attitudes towards CLT and Perceived Difficulties of Implementing CLT in Language Classes", Australian International Academic Centre, (2014), Vol 3, No 3: 237-245
"The Role of Metacognitive Awareness of Listening Strategies in Listening Proficiency: The Case of Language Learners with Different Levels of Academic Self-regulation", Springer International Publishing, (2014), Vol , No : 169-192
"The Relationship between EFL Teachers’ Critical Thinking Skills and Vocabulary Learning Strategy Instruction across Gender", Australian International Academic Centre, (2013), Vol 3, No 1: 107-114
"An assessment of the E-learning readiness among EFL university students and its relationship with their English proficiency", IEEE, (2013), Vol , No :
"An assessment of the E-learning readiness among EFL university students and its relationship with their English proficiency", IEEE, (2013), Vol , No :
"The Relationship between EFL Teachers’ Critical Thinking Skills and Vocabulary Learning Strategy Instruction across Gender", Australian International Academic Centre, (2013), Vol 3, No 1: 107-114
"The role of metacognitive listening strategies awareness and podcast-use readiness in using podcasting for learning English as a foreign language", Elsevier BV, (2012), Vol 28, No 4: 1153-1161
"Multivariate Effects of Level of Education, Computer Ownership, and Computer Use on Female Students’ Attitudes towards CALL", Canadian Center of Science and Education, (2012), Vol 5, No 4:
"The role of metacognitive listening strategies awareness and podcast-use readiness in using podcasting for learning English as a foreign language", Elsevier BV, (2012), Vol 28, No 4: 1153-1161
"The impact of lexically-based language teaching on students’ achievement in learning English as a foreign language", Elsevier BV, (2012), Vol 31, No : 31-36
"The effect of teaching collocations on English language proficiency", Elsevier BV, (2012), Vol 31, No : 37-42
"On the relationship between Iranian EFL teachers’ classroom management orientations and teaching style", Elsevier BV, (2012), Vol 31, No : 49-55
"Multivariate Effects of Level of Education, Computer Ownership, and Computer Use on Female Students’ Attitudes towards CALL", Canadian Center of Science and Education, (2012), Vol 5, No 4:
"Metacognitive strategies awareness and success in learning English as a foreign language: an overview", Elsevier BV, (2012), Vol 31, No : 73-81
"Metacognitive listening strategies awareness in learning English as a foreign language: a comparison between university and high-school students", Elsevier BV, (2012), Vol 31, No : 82-89
"EFL teachers’ classroom management orientations: investigating the role of individual differences and contextual variables", Elsevier BV, (2012), Vol 31, No : 43-48
"EFL teachers’ classroom discipline strategies: the students’ perspective", Elsevier BV, (2012), Vol 31, No : 309-314
"Attitude towards EFL textbooks as a predictor of attitude towards learning English as a foreign language", Elsevier BV, (2012), Vol 31, No : 66-72
"The comparative effect of computer-aided instruction and traditional teaching on student’s creativity in math classes", Elsevier BV, (2011), Vol 3, No : 266-270
"Comparing barriers to using learning resources among Iranian University students and instructors", Elsevier BV, (2011), Vol 3, No : 122-127
"The impact of computer-based activities on Iranian high-school students’ attitudes towards computer-assisted language learning", Elsevier BV, (2011), Vol 3, No : 183-190
"The impact of computer-based activities on Iranian high-school students’ attitudes towards computer-assisted language learning", Elsevier BV, (2011), Vol 3, No : 183-190
"The comparative effect of computer-aided instruction and traditional teaching on student’s creativity in math classes", Elsevier BV, (2011), Vol 3, No : 266-270
"Success in learning English as a foreign language as a predictor of computer anxiety", Elsevier BV, (2011), Vol 3, No : 175-182
"Iranian students’ readiness for using podcasting in higher education: Access, familiarity, and experience", Elsevier BV, (2011), Vol 3, No : 197-202
"Foreign language learning attitude as a predictor of attitudes towards computer-assisted language learning", Elsevier BV, (2011), Vol 3, No : 167-174
"Computer anxiety and ICT integration in English classes among Iranian EFL teachers", Elsevier BV, (2011), Vol 3, No : 203-209
"Comparing barriers to using learning resources among Iranian University students and instructors", Elsevier BV, (2011), Vol 3, No : 122-127
"Iranian EFL teachers’ effectiveness of instructional behavior in public and private high schools", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2010), Vol 12, No 1: 67-78
"Iranian university students' readiness for using podcasting: A comparison between English and non-English majors", IEEE, (2010), Vol , No :
"ICT integration into English classes: Investigating EFL teachers' personal characteristics and technology-related variables", IEEE, (2010), Vol , No :
"Iranian EFL teachers’ effectiveness of instructional behavior in public and private high schools", Springer Science and Business Media LLC, (2010), Vol 12, No 1: 67-78
"The Relationship between Online Information Seeking Anxiety and English Reading Proficiency across Gender", IGI Global, (null), Vol , No : 449-472
"The Impact of a Learning Management System on Student Evaluation of Teaching", IGI Global, (null), Vol , No : 425-448
"Integrating a Learning Management System into a Writing Course", IGI Global, (null), Vol , No : 473-497

مقالات مهرک رحیمی در کنفرانس های داخلی

بررسی اضطراب رایانه دانش آموزان دوره متوسطه و ارتباط آن با میزان استفاده از رایانه و تملک رایانه شخصی
سال 1388
ارائه شده در چهارمین کنفرانس ملی و اولین کنفرانس بین المللی آموزش الکترونیکی
Computer Anxiety: A Comparison between Campus-based and Distance Learning Students of English as a Foreign Language
سال 1388
ارائه شده در چهارمین کنفرانس ملی و اولین کنفرانس بین المللی آموزش الکترونیکی
سال 1392
ارائه شده در اولین کنفرانس ملی آموزش زبان انگلیسی، ادبیات و مترجمی
The Impact of Interactive Reading aloud on EFL Learners’ Writing Ability
سال 1393
ارائه شده در اولین کنفرانس ملی نگاهی نو به تحول و نوآوری در آموزش
The Role of Cultural Intelligence in Learning English as a Foreign Language
سال 1393
ارائه شده در اولین کنفرانس ملی نگاهی نو به تحول و نوآوری در آموزش
In-service EFL Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
سال 1394
ارائه شده در سومین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان
Teaching Pronunciation and the New EFL Curriculum in Iran: The Wind of Change is Blowing
سال 1396
ارائه شده در پنجمین کنفرانس بین المللی پژوهشهای کاربردی در مطالعات زبان
Evaluating EFL Multimedia Courseware based on Cognitive Load Theory: The Case of Prospect 1
سال 1397
ارائه شده در دهمین همایش ملی آموزش
Cognitive Load of Receptive Skill Activities and Students’ Achievement in Learning English
سال 1397
ارائه شده در دهمین همایش ملی آموزش
The relationship between Reading Strategy Use and Reading Comprehension as Mediated by Reading Rate: The Case of Eye Movement Training by Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP)
سال 1399
ارائه شده در هشتمین کنگره ملی تازه یافته ها در مطالعات زبان انگلیسی
بررسی نقش آگاهی فراشناخت راهبردهای خواندن در سرعت خواندن زبان آموزان در محیط فناوری ارائه بصر ی متوالی سریع
سال 1399
ارائه شده در هفتمین همایش علمی پژوهشی توسعه و ترویج علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی ایران
بررسی تاثیر تکالیف واژگان بر تقویت مهارت نگارش زبان آموزان
سال 1400
ارائه شده در نهمین کنفرانس ملی توسعه پایدار در علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی،مطالعات اجتماعی و فرهنگی
بررسی تاثیر واقعیت افزوده بر یادگیری مفاهیم انتزاعی
سال 1400
ارائه شده در نهمین کنفرانس ملی توسعه پایدار در علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی،مطالعات اجتماعی و فرهنگی
Iranian Students’ Acceptance of SHAD as an Educational Social Network: A Focus on Gender and Educational Level
سال 1400
ارائه شده در سیزدهمین همایش ملی آموزش
بررسی رابطه نگرش به تربیت انتقادی و ادراک خودآگاهی در بین دانشجو معلمان و دبیران زبان انگلیسی
سال 1401
ارائه شده در هفتمین همایش ملی پژوهش های نوین در حوزه علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی ایران
درماندگی آموخته شده در درس زبان: بررسی نقش مهارت خواندن و رشته تحصیلی
سال 1402
ارائه شده در پنجمین کنفرانس ملی توسعه پایدار در علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی ایران
بررسی درماندگی آموخته شده دانش آموزان دختر و پسر پایه دوازدهم در درس زبان انگلیسی
سال 1402
ارائه شده در هشتمین همایش ملی پژوهش های نوین در حوزه علوم تربیتی و روانشناسی ایران

مقالات مهرک رحیمی در ژورنال های داخلی

The role of teachers’ classroom discipline in their teaching effectiveness and students’ language learning motivation and achievement: A path method
سال 1393
ارائه شده در مجله ایرانی تحقیق در آموزش زبان
بررسی نقش استفاده از نرم افزار اصلاح خودکار در یادگیری زبان انگلیسی
سال 1398
ارائه شده در فصلنامه فناوری آموزش
The Impact of Metacognitive Instruction on EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension and Oral Language Proficiency
سال 1392
ارائه شده در فصلنامه آموزش مهارتهای زبان
بررسی تاثیر کلاس معکوس بر مهارت خواندن زبان انگلیسی
سال 1399
ارائه شده در فصلنامه فناوری آموزش
جهانی شدن و ضرورت اصلاح دوره های آموزش زبان انگلیسی در ایران؛ چالش ها، فرصت ها
سال 1387
ارائه شده در فصلنامه فناوری آموزش
ارزیابی بارشناختی با تحلیل داده های ردیاب چشمی در یادگیری چندرسانه ای زبان
سال 1399
ارائه شده در فصلنامه فناوری آموزش
The Impact of Flipped Classroom on Learning Outcome in a General English Course: Grammar and Vocabulary Gains in Focus
سال 1400
ارائه شده در فصلنامه آموزش و پژوهش زبان
Effects of a Personalized Reading Software Program on the Development of Language Learners’ Reading Comprehension
سال 1400
ارائه شده در دوفصلنامه آموزش از دور
بررسی نگرش مادران به کاربرد فناوری در آموزش زبان انگلیسی فرزندان
سال 1391
ارائه شده در فصلنامه فرهنگی - تربیتی زنان و خانواده
نگرش مدرسان زبان به ترویج فرهنگ مصرفی غرب در کتب آموزش زبان انگلیسی
سال 1388
ارائه شده در فصلنامه فرهنگی - تربیتی زنان و خانواده
تاثیر آموزش تکلیف محور بر مهارت خواندن و پیشرفت تحصیلی دانشجویان مهندسی در درس زبان تخصصی
سال 1389
ارائه شده در فصلنامه فناوری آموزش
Impact of Reciprocal Teaching on EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
سال 1394
ارائه شده در مجله تحقیقات زبان شناسی کاربردی