The evaluation of Energy saving potential of household’s

سال انتشار: 1393
نوع سند: مقاله کنفرانسی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 810

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 27 آبان 1393

چکیده مقاله:

Currently, climate change mitigation policy is a priority of environmental policy in the world. The energy efficiency and increased use of renewable energy resources are the main ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the main objectives of EU energy and climate change mitigation policy ( Monbiot, 2007, Hamid et al. 2007, Wilson, Dowlatabani, 2007). Although households consume one third of the EU's energy and are responsible for roughly 30 percent energy-related CO2 emissions, before considering private transport pollution, climate change mitigation policies in the EU and Lithuania is primarily focused on the supply side of the energy and industrial energy users (Joosen, Blok, 2001). After the second block of the Ignalina NPP closure in 2009 GHG emissions Lithuania average increase of 5 Mt / year due it replacement by the Lithuanian Power (Lithuanian Energy Institute, 2007, Ministry of Environment of Republic of Lithuania, 2009). The new nuclear power plant construction plans are often associated with increased GHG reduction in Lithuania, and declined ability of the country to implement a post-Kyoto climate change commitments. Many studies in Lithuania have shown, that without requiring the new nuclear power plant, but implementing of all the measures to reduce GHG in Lithuania, these goals will not be achieved ( Lithuanian Ministry of Environment , 2009). However, the possibilities of energy saving and sustainable use in Lithuanian households remained forgotten. Intergovernmental Group on Climate Change, which is engaged in basic research on climate change, has set the challenge in the Fifth Assessment Report focusing research on lifestyle and environmental behaviour and preparation of recommendations in this area (Dietz et al., 2009; Steg et al., 2005). Research shows that it is reasonable to suggest that an individual's behaviour is the basis for an environmental impact (Streimikiene, 2012). Actions carried out by individuals or their choices - all this creates a direct and indirect impact on the environment, together make impact on personal and collective well-being. While sustainable consumption stands at the centre in the national and international politics, but in spite of cross-border agreements and individuals knowing, changes are happening slowly (Volochovic, 2012). Meanwhile, energy consumption is the main source of greenhouse gas emissions, and energy savings by changing people's behaviour towards sustainable energy can achieve remarkable energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions without additional costs and investments. The aim - to assess households saving of energy potential. Energy-saving household survey, changing people's behaviour, has been carried out, forming the base, and energy-saving scenarios. Research methods - literature analysis, qualitative method - experiment.Research methods - literature analysis, qualitative method - experiment. The aim of qualitative method – experiment was to test the energy efficiency or climate change mitigation policies to the behaviour of the population. By these policies it could be improved the Lithuania Energy Saving Promotion household system. Another aim was to check out these new measures on household energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions decline.


Daiva Dumciuviene

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Zaneta Simanaviciene

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Andzej Volochovic

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

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